Monday, December 04, 2006

Space is the place

Space really is the future for humans. We do not have a future on Earth, unless we can move it to another sun in the next few billion years. The Sun WILL go supernova or bust and with that so does our planet. That's not to say that we should trash it, but I think "Friends of the Earth" need to re-think their title. How about "Friends of Humankind"? Much more suiting.

My worry is that we are using up so much resource just to consume products and stuff that really doesn't add up to much, that we will not have enough to give us that crucial leg up into the great beyond. In short we have a window of opportunity and we had better not squander it.

Space and explorations to other worlds offers hope. It will allow us to see ourselves as not just children of Earth, but of the wider universe. It will give us room to move and think again. We are becoming ever more retrospective and inward looking in current times. I think you could classify it as the second dark ages. With true exploration, the type which requires going to new lands of which humans have never stood, comes enlightenment, new ideas and ingenuity.

Perhaps with humans being so busy to make a life and develop an new and exciting infrastructure in space, we will forget about our silly toys. Imagine how wonderful it would be to step foot on another world, to be the first human to walk and set eyes on a dried up river bed on Mars?

We need to start seeing space as yet another destination, another place that we can go. It is held in humour too much. Star Trek and the like, for all of its optimism has hampered the space revolution. Every time a $100 million blockbuster comes out it must make a generation feel like they have already been and experienced it. How wrong they are!!


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