Sunday, October 29, 2006

Blah balh hlab

Thank god (if you believe in that), I have made it to the last week of my notice period. I can't believe my job change is nearly here at long last. To say it has dragged out would be an understatement.

Saw the Departed the other night, fantastic film. Took a little while to get going, but when it does, brilliant. I must also recommend going to the Dominion cinema in Edinburgh and if you do get the comfy leather sofas with a foot stool. It is the only way to see film. Intermission included.

It is nice to see a lot more media attention around climate change. I'd like to see all those affluent mofos change their habits from reducing their car size, to making their kids go to private school on their own (i.e. getting public transport) and to start seeing them recyle their goods.

I am looking forward to the spring 2007 where I will be starting to grow my first crop of home grown veg. Now, where do I get a compost bin?


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