Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Media frenzy

The recent fuss at the Labour party conference is starting to get to me now. Tony Blair. What has the man actually done for the country? This appears to be one of the central questions circulating in the press at the moment. His and George W Bush's recent statements that foreign policy actions are not responsible in the rise of terrorism? Why would they of course? That would surely suggest that our leaders' decisions and actions are at fault and putting our lives in danger. According to Tony Blair, we are invovled in this colossal, galactic, symbolic struggle for civilisation where the good guys win (us) and the bad guys lose (them). If only the world was that clear cut. You have to hand it to TB, he is an anomaly in politics. He has promised so much and delivered so few. His recent speech at the Labour party conference in Manchester yesterday was further evidence that right from the start he has always positioned himself first before the responsibilities for the UK nation. In his mind, the war and occupation in Iraq has nothing to with terrorism or rising hatred towards the UK. Nothing at all. Not one grain of truth there, nada. They just hate us. Quite simple really isn't it? This is what he wants you to believe of course. By doing so it validates all his actions without repercussions. His use of the PM role is galling, there should be more shared responsibility around the cabinet, this isn't the US with a President at the top of the tree. The UK should be one of the finest examples of democracy (except for having a monarch and a house of lords of course). Except this is Tony's ego we are talking about here. He wants all the credit. Right from the word go he has always wanted it to be all about him. Blimey, I could keep going on and on about this man and the legacy that he is leaving behind him.

At the end of the day, he is alright Jack, millions in the bank, talk shows, adoring crowds, plaudits, Lordship, Knighthood, more money, personal security meanwhile us poor saps have to wade through the dangers that this world now holds.....thanks a lot Tony, all talk and no play.


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