Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Time is on my side

Well, this week is starting out slow. I am working out the remaining 5 weeks of my notice period and so far my pipeline of work has stalled. It could be a long month ahead of me. Anyway, it makes for a more relaxing day. Ho-hum.

What am I reading just now? "Dead Air" by Iain Banks. Top read. It is basically Banksy channeling all his rants at the time (circa 2003) into his main character, Ken Nott.

What am I listening to on my iPod just now? Muse mainly with a mixture of NIN and Radiohead thrown into the playlist.

Cherie Blair: can that woman not maintain silence at a political rally watched by the nation's media? She has made so many gaffs over the years, you would think she would learn. It just goes to show you how dim wittied our "leaders" actually are, to think she is a QC as well. Maybe she couldn't give a toss and wanted to speak her mind, who knows. Do you know what? There are worst tragedies at sea....


Blogger Cameron said...

Hey, I saw that you're leaving BG - where is your next port of call, as it were?

1:36 am  
Blogger Stu Bell said...

Hey Cam,

My next port of call is Aegon : ) Start there on 3rd Nov.

5:36 pm  

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