Friday, December 01, 2006

Cynical fact of the day part 2

The Guardian reported on Wednesday of this week, the following:

With regards to the current MoD Typhoon/Eurofighter scandal - the Syrian arms broker involved became a confidant of Peter Mandelson, whose introduction was apparently made by Charles Powell after 1997. Now Lord Powell, met the Saudi's arms broker during the 1980s when he was Margaret Thatcher's foreign affairs adviser. The peer is so close to the Syrian that he made him chairman of one of his companies. Lord Powell is reportedly on the payroll of BAE Systems as an adviser.

This may disgust you so far, but keep going it gets better.

Lord Powell is the brother of Tony Blair's chief of staff at No.10, Jonathan Powell. Apparently Lord Powell has been declining to comment on the Serious Fraud Office's investigations over the BAE deal.


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