Sunday, October 29, 2006

Maintaining credibility

Check this out:


Very interesting video clip, just got round to watching it. Good old Noam, he represents my views perfectly. He touched on a point in that conversation which is in his hegemony book, which is that the US and related nations cried out against the attrocities that the Soviets and Nazis committed, but are either unaware or deceiving themselves when it comes to the US committing the same crimes. This is a very important point and I believe that this is where propaganda plays a very large role.
I often wonder if it is by chance i.e. a government decides to commit these crimes anyway regardless of the propaganda, or if right from the start they set out to deceive the public. Not just cover it up, but play one amazing curve ball to distract the populace from reality. I think the Iraq Dodgy Dossier was a result of this. I can only hope that the next Presidential administration and next UK government will learn from this mistake and proceed with a more honourable route. But I doubt it.


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